Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Making dumplings

On Thursday the 24th or march rm 24 made Dumplings!  And it was so fun so let me tell you about making dumplings...

When we got to the hall the room was filled with the smell of dumpling dough and the air filled with excitement.  We had to wash our hands before we started making dumplings when we washed our hands we went to a table I was next to my friend Coco she was an expert making dumplings first we watched a demo made by the people making dumplings and they looked amazing!  When we started I had to remember what she did and I tried to make them the way she did but I did not look right so my first dumpling not so well done but I will try harder on my next one.  On my next one I did much more better and it looked  better I was delighted and for my other 1 I did even better and it was very fun.

After we finished making the dumplings we got to EAT THEM!!  The room filled the sound of dumplings sizzling and the smell coming from the kitchen made me hungry and Coco thought me how to use chop sticks and when the dumplings came the smell was sensational and when we got one on our plate and got to eat them they were delicious and I got 6 but some others got 3 or 5 but I had heaps of fun especially eating them!

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