Martariki Rotation
On Thursday we had a Matariki rotation we had to be mixed up in different numbers all the way up to 20 and we had to be with different people. My first rotation was colouring in pictures we had half an hour to do it mine had lots of moari words like puke moana and Otakaro I didn't really understand the words but I was okay with it. Next we did tiaha with Mutui fienze and I found it a bit challenging because we had to remeber the words to do the right actions but the stick was a bit to annoying with the feather on top. Then we did string games we had to partner up with this with the little ones to help them but I found this one the hardest because we had to make a cup and saucer but my partner helped me with the third part but in the end I did it I found it a bit challenging in the beginig but when I herd that on youtube there's string games on youtube I jumped up happily.